The four-word sentence

She called me up around 8 am. I saw her name beeping on my phone and I almost knew the bad news she'd to share. No... I wasn't prepared to hear it. Not today.

I answered the call with great hesitation. She was stammering. I knew it would be tough for her to inform us all. But some things have to be told, some things have to be heard. Those four words shook my day. "I can't come today", my househelp called in sick!

PS - I hope she recovers soon. Not for my selfish reasons. I really mean it.


  1. I hope your maid recovers soon.

  2. Hope all gets well for both of you!

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  3. hey , nice blog , like it ,
    won’t be nice if i u can clickover to my blog page too ,
    & post some suggestion

  4. @SG - ya she's back n rocking
    @monisha - thanks... hey i like your blog's layout, but am finding it difficult to find the content


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